Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Why a Chicken Tractor...

I have been keeping chickens at my small farm for about 16 years. When I first began, they were mostly free range because I liked seeing them peck around the yard. The drawback was that collecting eggs was a daily Easter egg hunt. Some birds would go broody in some obscure bush and I would assume they were eaten. Other issues when you free range, you take the chance that something will take your chickens. Everything eats chicken. I mean EVERYTHING. I remember coming home in the morning after working a long Midnight shift to find the Helter Skelter of chicken massacres in my front yard. There were 13 of my chickens strewn all over the yard. Some were headless and some were perfectly intact, just no longer breathing. Only one of my birds survived the attack and she was never the same again. I kept them in a coop that I had built to look like and old corn crib. Sometimes someone would remember to shut the door at night, mostly not. I lost birds that I had had for nearly ten years.
Fast forward a few years later and I started purchasing birds that were a tad more expensive than the $2 feed store birds. Not only did I want a safe place for my chickens to live, but I also wanted more consistency in collecting eggs without the hunt. Keeping your birds in a stationary coop is a lot of work trying to keep the coop and the run clean and trying to keep the birds from having to walk around in their own poop.
I had seen Chicken Tractors before and really liked the idea that I could move it around the yard and provide my birds with fresh grass. Not only does it cut down on their feed, but it provided my birds with a clean new patch of grass and no messy build-up of chicken poop.
Upon further research, I learned that once you move the Chicken Tractor, the chewed up patch left behind will eventually grow back greener and thicker than before, Bonus! Another cool use is in the early Spring, you can put the Chicken Tractor in your weedy garden beds before planting season and the chickens will not only eat all the weeds, but they will mix up and fertilize your garden beds too!
After months of research, I found a really nice design that provided shelter and a grazing area for my chickens and it could easily be moved around the yard by the smallest person.
I now build custom Chicken Tractors and coops for the chicken enthusiast. Go to my Wicked Koops FaceBook page to see the different designs I have that can meet your needs and don’t forget to “Like” my page for updates. You can also contact me at WickedKoops@gmail.com.

Stay tuned for new related products like: roll away nesting boxes, rat proof feeders, dusting boxes and perching ladders.

- WF

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